The coach of Vojvodina FC, Božidar Bandović is pleased after his team won against the team of Mladosti from Lučani and secured placement to the qualifications of the Europa League.

The players of the Old Lady won against the team from Lučani with the result 1:0, and thereby ended the season fourth, which brings them the second round of qualifications for the Europa League.

  • I would like to congratulate my players on the placement to Europe, which was our goal. I would also like to thank the fans on their support. It is very important that we managed to achieve everything that wanted in this moment. As for the game, we had the task to break through that low defence, and in the first half we could have been better, even though we scored a goal from an interruption. In the second half we were better, we had a lot of chances, and I believe that we had to score another goal. Observing the game as a whole, I believe that we deserved to win. Also, I would like to point out that we deserve the fourth position and the placement to Europe, both with our game and results. There were plenty of difficult matches, both in the championship and the Cup. I congratulate everyone, the ones who played less because they showed that they are team players, we showed that we have an excellent dressing room, and that is a factor that also affected the end result. We now have to rest, and prepare for the next season and the games in Europe. I would like to thank the fans once again, the city of Novi Sad, the management and the Club’s president. We have an excellent foundation to proceed – Bandović said.


He remembered how difficult it was in the beginning, after Vojvodina hadn’t celebrated in the first four games with him on the bench.

  • First of all, I believe in my work, and my staff, and the team. In the beginning we had negative results, but the boys gave me motif from training session to training session, and that gave me strength and faith that we would succeed. I said before that it was only a matter of time when everything would turn to our benefit. As I said before, it is not only the result that matters, but also the way in which you reach the goal – Bandović concluded.